The Gone series by Michael Grant versus the Maze Runner series by James Dashner. Since I just finished Fear, the fifth book in the Gone series, I realized several reasons why this series is one of my favorites. The best way to show this is to compare it to another book. Not that the Maze Runner series isn't a good series; it is. But for me, Gone, is just my kind of book. I chose Maze Runner because it is very similar as in the things they encounter. They're both about a group of kids who encounter horrifying obstacles and must use the resources they find to survive. A ton of people die on the way, as they face challenges that threaten their lives. Only the structure of how they're written is different.
One thing a good story needs is a variety of different characters. Although both series has a good number of main characters, Maze Runner is told solely by Thomas's point of view, while Gone is told from many different points of view. Although it may be for a purpose such as if it's only told from a single person's point of view, you have no idea what's going on, making the plot more suspenseful, I found it frustrating that I had no idea what was going on in another character's mind. In Gone, the character's points of view just gives a better insight on what's going on, creating more of a horror scene when you don't want them to fall into a trap or something.

The plot itself differs in many ways. In Maze Runner they encounter obstacles one after another; they would get pass one horror only to find themselves facing yet another obstacle in their path. I think this is why it seems so fast-paced, when it never gives you a decent break. Gone has many obstacles too, yet they are organized in a more confusing way. All these little obstacles in the beginning overlap each other, while it leads to an even bigger problem. More like that there are so many things going on, you can't even stop to think. All the different characters, all in different situations, it's enough to make your head spin.
Why they are similar is because they both face horrifying obstacles as they struggle to survive. They both face horrifying creatures, struggling in a crazy new world. They are both exciting, terrifying, suspenseful sci-fi novels. They are both great series. But in my opinion, I think the Gone series is superior.
I really liked this post! I haven't read the Maze Runner yet, but I can definetly agree with you about how good the Gone series is. (It's one of my favorites too.)