Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Matched and Crossed

Cassia's whole life is controlled by the Society. What to eat, where you work, who you marry, when you die. The Officials decide everything for you, to provide you the best life possible. But when Cassia starts falling in love with Ky other than her designated match, Xander, she starts to wonder if the Society isn't perfect after all.

I thought this book was pretty good. Though a bit slow, it described how the Society worked really well. I liked the conflict between Xander and Ky, and Cassia having to choose one over the other. It was interesting to see how everyone reacted when they found out; her parents, Xander, and her Official. I thought the Society was pretty evil, not only to her, but to everyone. I enjoyed reading it a lot.

Crossed on the other hand, was a lot slower than Matched. Sequels almost never turn out to be as good as the first book. Ky was taken away to the Outer Provinces, and Cassia desperately tries to find him. You meet a lot of new characters, and learn more about Xander, Ky and the Society. Yet it was a touch too slow for me. It only got really interesting towards the end. Crossed by Ally Condie has you almost dangling on a cliff hanger, waiting to find out what happens next in the final book.

My Rating: 7 out of 10 stars

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog first of all. Second of all I LOVED the first book even though it was slow. I was upset though that she didn't pick Xander. The second book was really slow and boring but they did leave you on a cliff hanger. So I totally agree with you.

